Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Favourites

source: http://img.xcitefun.net/users/2012/12/310823,xcitefun-223641-457636764285602-2051094881-n.png

And here we are wrapping up the year!  I can't believe how fast time has gone by and look at us now!

Here are a few of my favourites from this month!  See you all in the new year!

Skincare: Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm

source: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEZdGL8bTLhnzHZJ-cXRVg8kg7FQjVmP8iTyijC985ZGaDzysi
As we get into the cold and dry winter it is super important to moisturize those lips.  Your lips are only a very thin piece of skin and it is so easy for us to just lick them if they feel dry...which makes them drier as the saliva dries.

Next time you feel like your lips are dry, pick up a nice stick of lip balm and slather it on.  I chose the Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm because it is organic and I love honey... to be honest I think I might like the pink grapefruit flavour a bit more but the honey one seems to put a nice waxy coat on my lips that makes the feel moisturized for longer.

Throughout exam season and studying... all I did was reapply reapply and reapply... just slathered this on my lips.

Plus you want your lips to be nice and soft for your special someone ;) (hehehe my cats wouldn't want my dry lips touching them!)

Makeup: Benefit's Eye Bright Pencil

source: http://www.sephora.com/images/sku/s108811-main-hero.jpg

I have been travelling a lot this month, actually as I am writing this post I am in Korea (I'll put a post about my super traveling later!! Make sure you stay posted), and sometimes I take pictures.  Also during exam season, my philosophy is if you look a bit nicer (just a bit more put together) you will appear to look a LOT better ... compared to everybody else wearing sweats and no make up and no shower.  

Eye Bright is a cool pale pink pencil.  I use it to highlight my inner corners of my eyes.  All you do is swipe a bit on and rub it in.  You could also use this to highlight other ares of your face (i.e. nose bridge, eyebrow arch, cheek bones) if you are in a pinch.  I love that it is matte and super easy, creamy and blendable.  Even on days when I am not putting on a lot of make up (check later for a post on my travel make up post), it makes me look a bit more awake considering all the late nights I've been pulling from studying and travelling.

This is definitely one of those things that you don't NEED but surprisingly has become an essential in my makeup stash.

Book Nails Song: The Words I Would Say by Sidewalk Prophets

These were actually the words I needed to hear to get me through this month.  Take a listen :)

Clothing Item: Pashmina

source: http://www.yourselegantly.com/images/pure%20pashmina%20shawls.jpg
PASHMINAS ARE AHHHHMAAAZZIINNNG.  You can use them as a blanket (which I totally did yesterday for my 9pm nap time) and it's a great scarf.  It's also great if you are traveling to some places where your shoulders must be covered, it's a great cover up.

It's a MUST HAVE for any fashion loving, comfort seeking travellers. 

Quote: Take pride in how far you have come, and have faith in how far you can go.
source :http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/62/ec/4c62ec986c0afd33987e68ddcc8d9565.jpg

I have no idea who wrote this... but keep this in mind. Sometimes we like to be humble and down play our successes. Or at the same time we don't think that we are good enough.  Not good enough now... not good enough for later.  But that is not true.  YOU are great.  YOU have done many things.  If you need to talk feel free to email us at 18.9teen@gmail.com or leave a comment and I'd love to help!

YOU have done amazing things... keep pushing on!

Food: Banana Milk

YUMMMMMMM BANANA MILK.  It's so much better than strawberry milk.

All I have to say is... DRINK IT.

Thoughtfully yours,

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