Friday, October 25, 2013

University Student Solutions: Sunday Dinner

Just because we're super busy and have exams doesn't mean we have to sacrifice good food. On Sunday, we made dinner together after a long week and preparing for another long week. Our dinner was quick to make and required very little clean up. 

What we used:
- Rice
- Avocado
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Fish (Technically we cheated because we bought frozen fish and cooked it in the microwave)
- Seaweed
- Olive oil
- Soy Sauce
- Salt and Pepper

1. Make rice. (Let us know if you'd like a tutorial on that! We know the secret finger trick!!!)
2. Prepare frozen fish according to the instructors. (when microwaving consider putting saran wrap over top the dish and make sure to leave a corner open so the hot air can go out, or consider getting a microwave cover)
3. Cut avocado and cherry tomatoes
4.  Add some soy sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper.
5. Bring out some nice salty seaweed.
6. Serve and enjoy.

Thoughtfully Yours,
Addie and C.C.

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