Making the
most of a university experience is hard when you need to balance so many life
things. To balance everything, it's really important to develop strategies and
keep on top of your work. Of course this advice can be applied to other
projects and aspects of your life.
1. Find
what works for you
This is
easier said than done, but it's definitely worth it once you find what works
best. Facing a problem and investing time to develop a strategy will ensure the
remainder of the work goes smoothly. Part of this may include understanding
your learning style. For instance, if you like experience-based learning (like
C.C.) try a hands on approach.
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2. Schedule
is a fundamental part of balance. Setting aside specific times to complete
tasks will help build a routine and ensure you can manage your time effectively.
It's also a good idea to keep lists organized by priority and deadlines. (Read:
say no if you don't have time for it. And don't forget to schedule in some
"me time".)
3. Look
your upcoming projects is important to stay sharp with your work. There's
nothing worse than realizing you have several ongoing projects at the same time
and there are others being added on top of your workload. Looking ahead allows
you to use your time more effectively and budget your resources accordingly.
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4. Don't
Okay, maybe
stress a little. Stress can be a great motivator, however if it begins to interfere
with your life (ie: instead of studying for an exam, you spend your time
freaking out about not knowing anything), you need to calm down. Simply put,
stress is a waste of time and energy. Instead of worrying about the things you
have to do, you should use that energy to do them. This will decrease the
energy waste and it's also far better for your health! You'll be able to enjoy
the moment rather than worry about tomorrow.
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5. Consider
mental health a priority
generally accept that physical health is more important than work, but mental
health is often overlooked. Taking care of your mental health is the foundation
for your life. Not only will you feel better, but you'll also perform better on
daily tasks. It's a great idea to develop a good support system, stress coping
strategies or even to check in with a counsellor from time to time. Also, remember to ask for help when you need it. You don't have to do it all.
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Do you have
any other tips to balancing the craziness of everyday life? Or any great stress
relief tips? Let me know!
Thoughtfully yours,
Thoughtfully yours,
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