Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Favourites

And we are into NOVEMBER... to me that means CHRISTMAS TIME.  October went by super quickly, but I also learned and experienced many things (one being starting this blog!) 

I thought that I'd share with you a few of my favourites this month and why!

Skincare: Coola Face SPF 30 Cucumber Matte Finish Organic Sunscreen
I love love love love love this sunscreen.  I put it on every morning and it does NOT break me out.  I learned about this from Michelle Phan's video about sunscreen earlier on this summer and shelled out the big bucks to try something new.  Its $36.00 USD and TSA friendly sizing so it's great to bring with you on a trip.  It is so important for us to put on sunscreen (trust me I used to refuse doing it) to prevent the long term damage on our skin and also to prevent skin cancer.

The downside with this product is that I can only find it online and I have to pay for shipping which is quite a hefty amount as always.  I am looking for a new sunscreen for my sensitive, combination, acne-prone skin so that I don't have to always buy it online, but this is definitely one of my favourites!  (Let me know in the comments below if you know any good sunscreens for my skin and I will definitely try it out, or email me at

Makeup: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer in Sand
Being the twentysomething I am, I started to look to get into a daily make up routine.  So the obvious thing for me to do was to hit up the local Sephora (okay, it was an excuse to spend more money on makeup, but it was fun!).  If you haven't tried it yet you should definitely try to get your skin colour matched by their 'Skin-IQ' process.  They basically take 3 pictures of your skin to give you a colour that is matched to the panatone system.  Then they put it into the computer and voila, your perfect shade.

As we were heading into the cooler months, I wanted something that I could wear everyday that is moisturizing enough but also just enough to make me look like me but better.  I have some redness and some acne, as well as scarring.  I also hoped to have something light.  I found this to be the perfect 'foundation' for me for an everyday look.  

It's super easy and simple and I now use it as my everyday routine.  My skin no longer feels chapped agains the cold harsh fall winds!

Book: City of Bones

This school year I started making sure that I read one book non-school related book each month.  No, this isn't the book this month it was for September but I am falling behind so I will tell you that this was my favourite instead.  I am reading City of Ashes this month but I may have cheated so I finished City of Bones the 2nd of October.  BUT I will definitely get through the rest of City of Ashes BY NOVEMBER 1st (okay, maybe 2nd)

Clothing Item: Lululemon Vinyasa Scarf in Slalom Stripe Pretty Pink
If you haven't checked it out already, please check out the ways I styled the BEAUTIFUL Vinyasa Scarf here.  This scarf is amazing! It feels like a blanket and maybe I use it as one sometimes.  I love how you can be super creative with it and at the same time even if you are doing the typical double loop it is SO SO SO cozy.  

I might have even gone back to buy another one (it is actually one that they had left in the store from the season earlier it has solid black on one side and black stripes on the other) because I loved it SO much.

Quote: "Sleep Solves Everything"
Okay, so I saw this quote on pinterest. And I LOVE IT.

But in all honesty, unfortunately sleep does not solve everything.  I HAD THE WORST MONDAY EVER DUE TO EXCESSIVE SLEEP.

But that is besides the point.

Food: Almond Fresh Original Almond Milk
So maybe it isn't a food, but more so a beverage. BUT I LOVE THIS.  It is 'refreshing and nutty' all at the same time.  I drink it straight-up, but definitely try adding this to your coffee as a creamer or to your cereal!

Well that's it, I hope you enjoyed my favourites and I hope they become your NOVEMBER favourites or one of your many favourites in the future!

Let me know if you have any favourites or anything that I should try!!?

Thoughtfully yours,

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