Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Cat of the Month


This cat is stunned that it's nearly 2014. We don't know where the time is going. However, the end of a year brings the start of a new one. What better time to make good choices and release negative energy. Remember not to take life too seriously and make time for the important things like food, playtime, and naps. :) 

Hope you all have a good new year!

Thoughtfully yours,

December Favourites

source: http://img.xcitefun.net/users/2012/12/310823,xcitefun-223641-457636764285602-2051094881-n.png

And here we are wrapping up the year!  I can't believe how fast time has gone by and look at us now!

Here are a few of my favourites from this month!  See you all in the new year!

Skincare: Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm

source: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEZdGL8bTLhnzHZJ-cXRVg8kg7FQjVmP8iTyijC985ZGaDzysi
As we get into the cold and dry winter it is super important to moisturize those lips.  Your lips are only a very thin piece of skin and it is so easy for us to just lick them if they feel dry...which makes them drier as the saliva dries.

Next time you feel like your lips are dry, pick up a nice stick of lip balm and slather it on.  I chose the Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm because it is organic and I love honey... to be honest I think I might like the pink grapefruit flavour a bit more but the honey one seems to put a nice waxy coat on my lips that makes the feel moisturized for longer.

Throughout exam season and studying... all I did was reapply reapply and reapply... just slathered this on my lips.

Plus you want your lips to be nice and soft for your special someone ;) (hehehe my cats wouldn't want my dry lips touching them!)

Makeup: Benefit's Eye Bright Pencil

source: http://www.sephora.com/images/sku/s108811-main-hero.jpg

I have been travelling a lot this month, actually as I am writing this post I am in Korea (I'll put a post about my super traveling later!! Make sure you stay posted), and sometimes I take pictures.  Also during exam season, my philosophy is if you look a bit nicer (just a bit more put together) you will appear to look a LOT better ... compared to everybody else wearing sweats and no make up and no shower.  

Eye Bright is a cool pale pink pencil.  I use it to highlight my inner corners of my eyes.  All you do is swipe a bit on and rub it in.  You could also use this to highlight other ares of your face (i.e. nose bridge, eyebrow arch, cheek bones) if you are in a pinch.  I love that it is matte and super easy, creamy and blendable.  Even on days when I am not putting on a lot of make up (check later for a post on my travel make up post), it makes me look a bit more awake considering all the late nights I've been pulling from studying and travelling.

This is definitely one of those things that you don't NEED but surprisingly has become an essential in my makeup stash.

Book Nails Song: The Words I Would Say by Sidewalk Prophets

These were actually the words I needed to hear to get me through this month.  Take a listen :)

Clothing Item: Pashmina

source: http://www.yourselegantly.com/images/pure%20pashmina%20shawls.jpg
PASHMINAS ARE AHHHHMAAAZZIINNNG.  You can use them as a blanket (which I totally did yesterday for my 9pm nap time) and it's a great scarf.  It's also great if you are traveling to some places where your shoulders must be covered, it's a great cover up.

It's a MUST HAVE for any fashion loving, comfort seeking travellers. 

Quote: Take pride in how far you have come, and have faith in how far you can go.
source :http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/62/ec/4c62ec986c0afd33987e68ddcc8d9565.jpg

I have no idea who wrote this... but keep this in mind. Sometimes we like to be humble and down play our successes. Or at the same time we don't think that we are good enough.  Not good enough now... not good enough for later.  But that is not true.  YOU are great.  YOU have done many things.  If you need to talk feel free to email us at 18.9teen@gmail.com or leave a comment and I'd love to help!

YOU have done amazing things... keep pushing on!

Food: Banana Milk

YUMMMMMMM BANANA MILK.  It's so much better than strawberry milk.

All I have to say is... DRINK IT.

Thoughtfully yours,

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Nail Inspiration

Here is nail inspiration for New Years eve parties and to ring in 2014! 
Essie's Cashmere Bathrobe, OPI's It's Frosty Outside, and Bundle Monster nail stamping plates were used to create this look.

Do you have any New Years nail ideas? Let me know!

Thoughtfully yours,

Goal Setting

source : http://yemista.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Happy-New-Year-2014-Wallpaper.jpg
As the new year approaches, more and more people are making new years resolutions.

Here's a quick guide to setting goals.

In short, you need to be SMART.  Easy right?

S - Specific
Target your behaviour. 
I want to lose weight vs. I want to lose 5lbs by April 12th, 2014.

M - Measurable
Can you measure your progress?  Taking the example from before, my measurement is weight.  

A - Adjustable
Can we change things around?  It is important to be able to update your goals.  This also really helps in terms of lapses. Sometimes it is important to take a pause on your goals.

R - Realistic
Make sure it is challenging though. No point of a goal if you can do it randomly. 

T - Time based
Start and end dates.

Goal Setting
- set your goals and make sure you update them
- try to develop strategies to achieve your goals
- depending on what they are make sure you track your progress.

Stay posted for our new year resolutions!

Thoughtfully yours,

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Review: LUSH Solid Shampoo

For the past few months I have been testing LUSH's solid shampoos. Initially, I thought it would be a great product to take on travels because you don't have to worry about it leaking or contributing to the liquids in your carry-on bag. However, it has become more than a travel essential. It has managed to work its way into my regular routine.

The first one I tried is called Godiva. It is a 2-in-1 Jasmine shampoo and conditioning bar. I love the scent! It's light, fresh, and distinctly jasmine. Godiva left my hair very soft and shiny. Moreover, this product lasts forever because it requires very little to wash thick, medium length hair. I would highly recommend trying this out! 


I also tested Trichomania. It's designed for dry and fluffy hair (anyone with curly hair will know). It has a nice light coconut scent, but I found it took longer to lather in my hair. Once you get it to lather, it leaves your hair shiny and clean feeling. Overall, it performed well but personally I prefer the jasmine scent and moisturising butters in Godiva.


In general I like using products from ethical companies (supporters of fair trade, against animal testing, for human rights, sustainable income or practices, solid causes, etc.), and products made with as many natural ingredients as possible. Doing good is good for everyone. This makes companies like LUSH and the Body Shop more attractive to me. 

What are your favourite beauty products? Do you have any products that are especially great for travel? I would love to hear from you!

Thoughtfully yours,

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Addie: 50 Things I Learned This Year

In the work world:

1. Always have interview clothes. You never know when you'll get a call.

2. Keep your resume up to date.

3. Have a good template cover letter to work from.

4. Research companies before interviews

5. If you have questions, ask them. 

6. Do not overcomplicate things.

7. Pace yourself and give quality work.

8. Be confident in your abilities.

9. Help others if you can.

10. Keep a positive attitude and strong work ethic.



11. It's only awkward if you make it awkward.

12. People that waste your time do not value you.

13. It's okay to be antisocial sometimes.

14. Do not do anything you are not okay with.

15. People change, and that's fine.

16. Say no to invitations you're not interested in. It makes things easier for you and the other party involved.

17. Do not over-commit yourself.

18. People get busy. 

19. Not everyone gives good advice.

20. If someone doesn't understand "no", repeat until they understand.


21. Maintain a study schedule from the beginning.

22. Balance school and other life things. 

23. The best solution to being overwhelmed is to get started.

24. Know when to stop editing/reviewing.

25. Get to know your instructors.

26. Double check assignments before you submit.

27. Check assignments after they are returned to you. Everyone (even instructors) makes mistakes.

28. If you need clarification, ask.

29. Keep a centralized list of deadlines and important dates. 

30. Keep calm. Develop a routine to relax before an exam to ensure you are accessing long term memory and performing to the best of your ability.

31. Get a good rest before important tests and exams.



32. If you have a problem, see the doctor right away.

33. The internet is not a doctor. ***The internet easily scares me into thinking I am dying of 12 types of tumours and diseases.

34. Do not forget to take medication

35. Mental health is very important. Caring for yourself in all aspects will benefit you in many ways.

36. Stress kills brain cells.

37. Exercise reduces stress and can help you focus. ** try a quick work out before studying.

38. If you do not feel ready, do not push yourself.

39. Sometimes you need to sleep all day.

40. Eating needs to be done, so make time. If I can do it, so can you.



41. Breathe.

42. I enjoy pilates.

43. Animal behaviour studies might be a thing in my future...new love.

44. I need to figure out my life.

45. Alone time is important. You need to keep yourself happy.

46. Waiting until you run out of clothes to do laundry results in pajama days.

47. Write a little every day. It clears your mind and makes it easier to write cold.

48. Moisturize.

49. Tough love is necessary. 

50. If you feel like you always do what people expect, you owe it to yourself to figure out what you want from yourself.


Thoughtfully yours,

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thoughtful Thursdays: Emily Heller

source: http://25.media.tumblr.com/2b539aef60f3653419e3525769bf173b/tumblr_mvz3h0N0Io1suo3boo1_500.jpg

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!

After finally finishing winter exams, I can start to relax and remember Christmas is just a week away! Being busy all the time can make it hard to remember the holiday spirit. Remember to take the time to relax and spend time with important people.



Here are winter inspired nails

Hunger Games inspired nails because we watched the Hunger Games 
and it needed to happen.


Last minute gift ideas:
  • food (Merci chocolate, anyone?)
  • fuzzy socks
  • circle scarf
  • mittens
  • sport bag (great for guys!)
  • USBs (everyone needs them..)
  • Those really great mittens that still let you use your touch device
  • really good hot chocolate mix
  • earbuds
  • did C.C. mention tea?
  • pyjamas
Thoughtfully yours,

A Social Butterfly's Guide to Surviving Exam Season

To start... let's be honest. I'm procrastinating right now... less than 4 hours to final exam which I haven't learned everything for but here I am blogging.

I often find myself extra social during exam season time... well finals.  Why you ask?  Because I can just spam message people and ask them to study with me.  I give myself two options... study alone and not get anything done (happens quite often) or study with people (be extremely distracted but get at least one or two things done).

Here are a few tips that have kept me sane though throughout finals.

1.  Make plans to study with friends... almost every day.  Be sure to plan ahead.


2. Keep a water bottle with you at all times.


3. Find a prime location. (Water fountain AND washroom)


4. If you do have to study alone... make friends.


5. Don't stress.




Thoughtfully yours,
Addie & C.C.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Life Lessons You (and I) Need to Learn

1. It's okay to ask for help.
source: http://jhfr9provahasan.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/class-size-32.jpg
It's actually the hardest thing to ask for help.  Asking for help is brave, strong, courageous. It will be okay.  

2. Connections are everything.

source: http://www.psdgraphics.com/file/seamless-chrome-chain.jpg
That's how I've gotten all my crazy amount of jobs that I work. (not that I'm not great at what I do) but honestly.  So go out there and start volunteering and building connections!

3. Learn to say "no".

source: http://www.niagroupstl.com/storage/no.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1351043243673
I've been training Addie on this for the WHOLE SUMMMMMMMMEEEERRR! In all honesty, it's one of the hardest things to do sometimes and even I mess up on it, but that's why you got to learn. We are not supermen/women.  We can't do everything.  And nobody can force you to do anything.  

4. You don't have to be friends with everybody. 

source: http://www.kunocreative.com/Portals/32387/images/friends-fingers.jpg
Friendly and friends are different things.  I think this comes in especially true depending on the jobs you have.  Also, having to be a human being in the world this might come in handy.  Have you ever had one of those friends who can just talk to anybody anywhere and you think, wow they must have so many friends.  Well... they probably don't (maybe they do), they are just really good at being friendly.

5. Stop worrying about the things you cannot change.

source: http://journeyintogod.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/mr-men-mr-worry.jpg?w=604

Remember that time when you applied for something and you submitted your application and you keep wondering if you'd get the job/position or not? Ever have that problem after handing in that big assignment/paper/exam?  Keep this in mind... what's done has been done. Instead of worrying about how that went and about the things that you cannot change, use it as a lesson and start changing the future (something you can change!).

6. Feelings are okay.
source: http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/library/feeling-1.jpg

I struggle with this continuously.  I have trouble sharing and accepting that I can have feelings.  Be it liking somebody, being angry, being frustrated, being upset, being super excited... it's tough.  I think sometimes we all try to hide our feelings (especially the negative ones) cause we are afraid of getting hurt or judged, but we're only human.  Try to talk to somebody about it... find one person or multiple people for different things that you can trust to vent to.  Let's do this together.

These are just a few of the life lessons we must learn.  Let's try to do this together and work on this.  If you have any suggestions or any to add please please please comment down below! 

Thoughtfully Yours,


Monday, December 02, 2013

Rant, Swatch, Review: Benefit Box-o-Powders (10, BellaBamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, Rockateur)

(L-R) 10, BellaBamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, Rockateur
If you haven't heard of Benefit's boxed powders yet... you've been missing out. I am clearly obsessed with them.  I bought a lot of them... well over time obviously.  I figured I would do a rant, swatch, review on all of them at the same time! :)  I currently own 10, Bella Bamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, and Rockateur.  I was just taking a peek at the website and it seems as if Benefit doesn't sell some of these any more... but I swear I saw them at Sephora and Shoppers.  Here is an old overview that benefit did before to compare their powders. (If you haven't seen my other review on Maybelline Colour Whispers check it out here, if you have... this is going to be in a slightly different format please bear with me!)

(L-R) 10, BellaBamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, Rockateur

Each box comes packaged with a brush (decent quality) and a mirror.  It isn't necessarily the most compact but it does it job.  Depending on the colour of the powder and how I am using it, I may or may not use the brushes that come in the box.  Each of them, well most of them, similar to any other benefit cosmetic product smells amazing. Let's start the reviewing and swatching!! (left to right)

This is a bronzing and highlighting duo.  It comes with a frosty pink shade and a shimmery bronze.  It is meant to be super easy.  You can apply it on top of any of the other boxed powders as well.  I usually just sweep this on a couple of times without my blush if I am in a hurry and on the go.  To be honest, I haven't used this in a while now but from what I remember I liked it.  The one thing is that I find it to be a bit too shimmery for my liking.  I don't mind concealer being shimmery but I tend to like my bronzers ('cause I use it mainly for contouring) to be matte. I don't smell much when I open this one...  

Would I recommend this to a friend?
Not really.  Not because it's bad, mainly because I haven't found much use of it anymore.

Would I repurchase? 
Probably not.

This is honestly one of the most pigmented blushes I own, maybe I have a heavy hand but that is not good with this blush.  It is definitely a watermelon pink and has some shimmering gold in it as well.  It's interesting because this one is meant to be applied on the apples of your cheek and reflect so that it creates a sculpting effect.  Due to the brightness and vibrant-ness (<-- not really a word is it?) of this colour I have not found much use of it because I am so used to more natural looks.  I think that with a light hand this would be a nice wintery glow.  I believe that Benefit used this to create a 'blushing beauty' look which you might wanna check out here.  This one has a slight super artificial (almost sickening) scent of watermelon to it.  I honestly do not use this a lot, probably it's just hard for me to wear.  I am light-medium toned.  I should probably try this out more in the summer again. 

Would I recommend this to a friend?
Depending on what they wanted. If they want something vibrant and this tone of pink and depending on their needs I might. But not for everyday use.

Would I repurchase?
Very unlikely.

CORALista as the name implies is a shimmery coral blush.  Jen fromheadtotoe seems to love this and she raved about it once.  I don't know how I completely feel about this.  I did enjoy it and use it quite a bit in the summer.  I think it's also because coral tends to be a relatively universally flattering colour.  One thing I found about this is that it is also super pigmented and if you use too much it almost gives you that fake tan look even though it's not a bronzer.  I sometimes layer this on top of my cha cha tint.  But with a light hand it definitely enhances your complexion even if you are sick.  I think it smells almost peachy... I guess it could be a more pigmented recreation and more coral version of Georgina?

Would I recommend to a friend?  Yes.  I have some friends who love coral and this is my only coral blush that I have come to like.  

Would I repurchase?
Probably, depending if I have any use for more blush colours (who am I kidding... I always do) or unless I'm purging my makeup again.


OKAY.  THIS IS GOT TO BE ONE OF MY HOLY GRAIL PRODUCTS... if not that at least one that I've used for the longest time.  I bought my first box of this with Georgina (which is a peach smelling peachy colour that they no longer produce... sad face).  I think this may be my 3rd box?... No I did not hit pan but I tend to lose things so that's what happened.  Dandelion is a soft pink colour that I use as a blush but ALSO an all over powder.  This is the one colour I use whenever I am super tired to give a bit of a glow to my face.  Did I mention... it also smells HEAVENLY.  More of a powdery floral scent.  I probably love this a lot because it isn't very pigmented.  Depending on what I like I can layer on more for a more definitively pink look or less to just have some glow.  This probably works better on more fair skinned individuals.  

Would I recommend to a friend?
YES!  I would recommend this to almost anybody!

Would I repurchase?
... is that even a question?

Hervana is a mixture of a shell, peach, rose, and berry combination.  I normally swirl my brush in all 4 and it comes out to be this beautiful pink colour.  This is also one of my favourites though I find myself not reaching for this as often anymore.  This smells pretty similar to dandelion and I probably love it almost as much.  It is a bit more pigmented compared to Dandelion but it brushes on beautifully.  I would not use this as an overall powder but only as a blush.  Blush this on the apples of your cheeks and bam... instant angel ;).

Would I recommend to a friend?

Would I repurchase?
most likely. (but it is quite similar to Dandelion.. we'll see where my 20something budget takes me then)


This is a very natural bronze colour.  I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of bronzing mainly because my culture has always pushed on us being super fair and how that is great.  But I also fall back into what I have learned in my environments that having some colour makes you look quite healthy.  That being said... this colour I have not tried as an all over bronzer.  BUT... THIS IS THE PERFECT CONTOURING COLOUR.  I have probably used to this to contour almost anybody I have done make up for and it always works.  It's another one of my HG products.  I normally grab a contouring brush dab it in around 5-10 times to pick up some colour, tap some off and contour away.  I find it to be pretty pigmented but the colour is natural enough to make it easy to use. This is one of the ones that doesn't really have a smell to it.

Would I recommend to a friend?

Would I repurchase?
Most definitely.

This is one of Benefit's newest colours... well at least the newest in my collection.  It smells a bit like dandelion.  It is a beautiful rose gold blush that is fantastic.  At first (due to my heavy hand again) it seemed to make me look a bit... 'dirty'.  Then I tried it with a stippling brush and BAM.  I use this almost every day.  I am in LOVE with this.  I shade from the outside in with this colour and it gives me a bit of a contour as well.  (I use the same technique with Tarte's Blush in Exposed)  Honestly is amazing!  The one problem I have is benefit keeps packaging smaller and smaller amounts of product in their boxes... so this one has less than the other ones.

Would I recommend to a friend?

Would I repurchase?
hmmm.. that's tough.  I really do like this one but I also think it's similar to Tarte's Exposed... I will definitely have to do a comparison and decide then.  But if I had nothing that was similar DEFINITELY.

(L-R) 10, BellaBamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, Rockateur
(L-R) 10, BellaBamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, Rockateur with flash
(L-R) 10, BellaBamba, Coralista, Dandelion, Hervana, Hoola, Rockateur
Well... that's it.  I LOVE my Box o' Powders and I hope you do too! Please comment below to tell me what you think about them and how you wear your powders! Any recommendations or dupes? Let me know :)

Thoughtfully yours,